Juggle Between WFH and HBL As Busy Parents

Juggle Between WFH and HBL As Busy Parents

Working from home can be a real struggle, especially for parents. Furthermore, with Home-Based Learning (HBL) coming into play, the pressure of having to tend to your work while fulfilling your parental responsibilities can burn any parent out quickly.

It can often seem impossible to give your child the best when you have to spread your attention across so many other commitments. Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to help your children study, play, and grow well and yet have a healthy balance of time for work and for yourself.

Structure Your Day

Juggle Between WFH and HBL As Busy Parents

Add structure to your days with a daily or weekly schedule. This will benefit your children, your partner, and yourself.

Just like how schools have a timetable for lessons, having a proper timetable to follow at home will help you and your children adapt to a productive and balanced routine at home. Come up with activities that can keep the kids engaged during your working hours. Set clear expectations on the right time to study and to play, and encourage them with rewards when they are able to follow the schedule.

This helps to also draw healthy boundaries on time for family and for work. Likewise, remember to adhere to your schedule of switching off from work when it is time for family.

Teamwork is Key

Juggle Between WFH and HBL As Busy Parents

It can be a real challenge for one parent to undertake all the responsibilities around the house. Besides scheduling time for tasks, it is important to conquer the challenges of household chores and looking after the kids as a team.

As you plan the schedule, work with your partner to split tasks or chores between the both of you. Play to your strengths and, at the same time, be flexible and empathetic of each other’s struggles.

If your children are old enough, get them involved in simple tasks. Children love to be involved so you could modify simple household chores into games. This is a great way to lessen your load about the house, while also teaching the kids valuable life skills.

A Healthy Diet Can Go A Long Way

Juggle Between WFH and HBL As Busy Parents

Another important aspect to our well-being is our diet. Eating well helps with our sleeping patterns, energy levels, and overall concentration1.

For the kids, a nutritious diet is also the gateway to healthy growth and development. However, when you are time-strapped and stressed about getting through each day, finding the right foods for your children’s diet can be challenging.

One easy yet effective solution is to ensure that you supplement your child’s daily diet with growing-up milk.

Benefits of Growing-Up Milk

Research showed that almost 40% of 3-year-olds are not drinking enough milk, and 6 in 10 older children (between 7 – 10 years old) were not meeting their daily milk recommendation.2

Milk should remain an integral part of children’s diets. A nutrient-dense beverage like GROW growing-up milk can help provide the daily recommended nutrition for your children, supplying them with Protein, Calcium, and 26 other nutrients that are essential for healthy growth and development.

Help Your Kids GROW

Juggle Between WFH and HBL As Busy Parents

With GROW’s range of growing-up milk, you can be assured of all-rounded nutrition that supports brain development, growth, and immunity for your child.

Compared with other growing-up milk options in the market, GROW’s growing-up milk is 25% lower in saturated fat and sugar, and 25% higher in calcium. It is also the first growing-up milk brand to be certified ‘Healthier Choice’ by Health Promotion Board for GROW Preschool Stage 4 (ages 3 to 6) and GROW School Stage 5 (ages 6 to 12).

Specially formulated for toddlers and school-going kids, GROW is enhanced with 26 vitamins and minerals, Calcium, DHA, Choline, Taurine and Prebiotics to help your children get the nourishment they need for their mind and body.

Give Your Kids The Best Without Having To Stress

Juggle Between WFH and HBL As Busy Parents

There are plenty of solutions to help ease the pressure of parenting, and GROW is an affordable and reliable growing-up milk that you can easily supplement your children’s daily diet with for a healthy development.

For parents who wish for more convenience, GROW is also the only growing-up formula milk that is available in ready-to-drink packets to meet the needs of an active child.

Help your kids GROW well with growing-up milk. Get your free GROW growing-up milk samples here.


  • https://www.headtohealth.gov.au/meaningful-life/physical-health/food
  • Goh DY, Jacob A. Children’s consumption of beverages in Singapore: Knowledge, attitudes and practice. J Paediatrics and Child Health. Vol 47 (2011) 465-472.


This post was brought to you by Abbott GROW, nutritious and delicious growing-up milk for every child.

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