What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag Checklist for Baby Delivery

It is less than a month, mommy, and you receive the bundle of joy you have been waiting for for the last nine months! But have you prepared for your delivery? Have you packed all the essentials that you need during delivery for yourself and the baby?

Most mummies, especially first-time ones, might be asking, what should I pack in my hospital bag for baby delivery? It is crucial to know all the necessities that you require for a fuss-free delivery time.

We have prepared a hospital bag checklist of what you need to pack in your hospital bag to deliver your bud at peace. Stay tuned!

Table of Contents

Things to pack

For mommy

  • Identification document

As the hospital receives you to deliver your baby, they need an identification card from you to fill in your hospital data and for verification.

  • Birth plan

Some mummies have a birth plan. If you have one, carry various copies to give to your practitioner and the nurses attending you.

  • Dressing gown

Mommies should pack their dressing gowns when preparing to go to the labor ward. Find a comfortable gown that will allow you to sleep comfortably and easily undo front when you want to breastfeed your newborn.

  • Maternity wear

After bringing a new life, you need to be proud of yourself by stepping out of the hospital with beautiful maternity wear. Pack lightweight, comfortable maternity wear made of breathable material. Also, find clothing that allows you to breastfeed on your way home.

  • Maternity bras

Purchase some nursing bras and pack them in your hospital bag, mummy. Look for maternity bras that stretch and provide good support and have clips to breastfeed your baby easily. Also, the maternity bras should be well-padded to avoid embarrassing leakage, or you can have some breast pads.

  • Underwear

Mommy requires underwear after delivery to hold the maternity pads. You can go for disposable underwear to avoid the hassle of washing stains. Besides, the underwear should be breathable to give air to healing wounds.

  • Maternity pads

Once a mum delivers, they bleed heavily. Therefore, it is crucial to have a packet of maternity pads to wear after delivery.

  • Anti-slip socks

When packing your hospital bag for baby delivery, pack anti-slip socks. They will prevent your feet from the cold labor room floor as you walk around. Also, this socks help you not to fall off as you walk on the slippery floor. 

  • Personal items

Even though hospitals provide several personal items such as toiletries, you can carry your favorites. Pack your toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, hair clip, light makeup, soap, lotion, lip balm, deodorant, and massage oil for labor.

  • Entertainment

To avoid long, dull moments as you wait to deliver your baby, you can enjoy some music or play card games with your partner. Such entertainment will keep you busy as you go through your labor period.

  • Snacks

A woman in labor gets hungry quickly. Therefore, pack your favorite snacks in the hospital bag to bite as you await your baby. Carbohydrates are recommended during this period as they provide a slow release of energy than sugary food.  Get some crackers, carrot sticks, apples, and granola.

For the baby

  • Baby clothes

No mum would forget to pack the clothes they have bought for their newborns. Mommies usually handpick the best clothes for their babies because they have longed to meet them. Carry some vests, rompers, and other baby clothes you need while in hospital and taking the baby home.

  • Receiving blanket

Hospitals provide mummies with receiving blankets for their babies. However, you may have your blanket to carry your baby home. Also, you can use them as nursing covers or wipe the baby’s mouth. Don’t forget to have two to four receiving blankets in your hospital bag. 

  • Diapers

Although the hospital will provide you with baby diapers, it is essential to have a packet of your own. There are a variety of diapers in the market, including Huggies, Pampers, and Mamypoko. Choose what you want for your baby. Besides, ensure you pack enough diapers because your newborn can use 10-15 diapers in a day!

  • Baby wipes

Also, have some baby wipes in your hospital bag to wipe your newborn. The wipes will be essential to wipe the baby’s bottom and especially when they pee. Since babies have sensitive skin, choose natural baby wipes to avoid rashes.

  • Baby bag

Mommies are encouraged to pack their baby’s clothes separately from their clothes. Therefore, have a baby bag to put in your baby’s clothes for their safety.

  • Spirit swab

Although the hospital will provide you with spirit to apply on your baby’s umbilical cord, packing some in your hospital bag is crucial. 

  • Car seat

It is crucial to have a car seat to drive your baby home. Therefore, consider having a car with car-seat connectors. You may not have to carry the car seat when going to deliver because you can request the ones coming to pick you from the hospital to bring one. Finally, have a car seat that is suitable for newborns- one that fully reclines.

For your partner

  • Snacks

The person keeping an eye on you needs some energy to stay with you. Hence, pack enough snacks for them to avoid going out of the hospital to buy some. Also have some water, juice or any other drink for them.

  • Clothes

 If your partner has to stay in the hospital until you deliver and are released from the hospital, they need some clothes to change; hence pack them.

  • Electronics

Pack a phone charger, headphones, laptop, or an iPad for your partner. Also, if you won’t be taking photos with your phone, pack a camera for them to take your delivery photos.


When should I start packing my hospital bag?

Mommies should start packing their hospital bags for baby delivery as early as two to four weeks before the estimated delivery time. This time is enough for you to pack all that you need without forgetting anything essential.

Is there anything I should not carry in my hospital bag when going to deliver?

Most first-time mummies are likely to overdo. They may pack a lot of baby clothes and diapers. Kindly carry just enough and not excess. Also, avoid going with valuables such as diamond rings as you may lose such items, especially when walking up and down during labor.

How long do you stay in the hospital after giving birth?

If you have an uncomplicated virginal delivery, your doctor will likely release you from the hospital after 24 to 48 hours from when you deliver your baby. This is to allow you to have some rest. If you have a caesarian section, you can stay up to 5 days after delivery for the doctors to check you closely.  

Which are good snacks for a hospital bag when going to deliver?

Mommies may need some snacks to bite before they deliver and after delivery to give them energy. It is crucial to pack snacks that add nutritional value to your body, such as graham crackers, trail mix, granola bars, cheese sticks, Gatorade, and water.

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