Natural vs C Sect by Dr Tan Thiam Chye

Natural vs C Sect by Dr Tan Thiam Chye
What are the advantages of Natural birth over C-section and how do you decide between both? In this clip, Dr Tan Thiam Chye will talk about what to expect and how to make your decision. Dr Chang is an O&G specialist with sub-specialty in Fetal Matl O&G The Women’s Medical Specilist is helmed by Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Dr Tan Thiam Chye. Dr Tan was the immediate former Head and Senior Consultant in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Urgent O&G Centre, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital. He is an adjunct Associare Professor in Duke-NUS medical school. Dr Tan has received numerous awards as clincian and educator. He co-authored the book “Practical O&G Handbook for the Clinician and General Practitioner”, which won the British Medical Association Book Award in 2015. In 2016-2017, Dr Tan co-developed the HealthHub Pregnancy Track, a new web portal and mobile app, with the Health Promotion Board.. Missed our previous webinars? Interested to join some? Head on over to our events page and see the upcoming events!

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