Choosing C-Section by Dr. Choo Wan Ling

Choosing Caesarean Section by Dr. Choo Wan Ling

Should you choose a c-section?

Dr Choo Wan Ling is an obstetrician and gynaecologist currently practising at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital, Singapore. Dr Choo is experienced in obstetric and gynaecological scans, antenatal care and risk assessment, prenatal screening, vaginal, assisted and caesarean delivery. She is an advocator of natural birth and breastfeeding.

Most moms prefer normal delivery and the reason why some mothers prefer a c-section is because they are afraid of the pain during normal delivery. However, Dr. Choo stresses that the pain of a c-section after the baby is born much more than the pain of delivery itself especially if an epidural is administered. The main reason(s) why a c-section is recommended are when a baby is too big, it is a very preterm baby, the mom has a low-lying placenta or due to certain medical conditions which requires an immediate delivery. In emergency cases, a c-section is recommended when there is fetal distress or when there is no progress during labor itself. She further elaborates the process of a c-section from operating theatre to hospitalization duration when after the baby is born. Sit back and learn more!

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