Monitoring your Child’s Growth by Dr Ratna Sridjaja

Monitoring your Child's Growth by Dr Ratna Sridjaja

Dr. Ratna talks about the importance to monitor your kids’ growth. In this video, she explains the growth expectation you should have for the different child development stages. She also highlights the importance to take note of your child’s linear growth and weight gain to avoid growth altering. Sit back and learn about growth altering with Dr. Ratna!

Dr Ratna Sridjaja is a paediatrician at Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore. She sees babies and children from 0 to 16 years old for general paediatric conditions, developmental assessment, vaccinations as well as infection and infectious disease screening. Dr Sridjaja’s extensive paediatric experience spans from her private practice in the USA as well as the Emergency Department at Dupont Hospital for Children in Delaware, USA and the Children’s Emergency Department at National University Hospital, Singapore.

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