Dads, Here’s What You Need To Do On Mother’s Day 2022

Dads, Here's What You Need To Do On Mother's Day 2021
Mother’s day is one of the most celebrated days all over the world. This day is remembered and celebrated in different ways. Mums commonly receive gifts, flowers and sweet treats during this time. Aside from giving gifts, we must remember that it is a day to honour all mothers for their hard work and sacrifices for the family.
This year, you may be looking for new ideas to avoid dining in crowded restaurants or lining up to get flowers and cakes. SuperMom is here to help! We have rounded up a few ways dads can make this mother’s day extra special.

Book her a spa day

Relaxing Spa Day on Mother's Day

Mothers need pampering too! Make an appointment and bring her to her favourite spa or look for spa services that will come to your home. Even an hour or two of relaxation will reap out a lot of benefits. Massages help increase feel-good hormones that help mums recharge and energize to get them into a happy mood!

Take the kids out and leave mummy at home

Alone Time for Mommies on Mother's Day

Mums deserve to have that much needed “time out” from being a mum. Taking the kids out will allow mums to have some “me” time. It is also a perfect time to get a long and peaceful bath time without kids shouting or running around. Prepare some scented candles, a glass of wine and some relaxing music to complete the experience! Just don’t forget to get some take away food for dinner or prepare one with your kids when you get home.

Plant a mini garden

gardening with your wife during mother's day

This would have to be done way in advance. Ask for her favourite flower or vegetable plants she wishes she has. Or observe what type of herbs she usually gets from the grocery. Research on how to grow these plants and grow a mini garden just for her. If you are both new to gardening, learn how to take care of her new plants and watch them grow together!

Go on a staycation

staycation with the family on mothers day

Remember that place she has been wanting to go to, but you’re both too busy for the past weeks or maybe even months? Make reservations months ahead to ensure you get this day booked and block off this special day from any other engagements. If you’re planning to bring your kids, make sure to look for fun activities in your destination.

Let her sleep longer

let your wife be lazy on mother's day as a gift

Mums usually get up early to get things done before the kids wake up. On this special day, turn off her alarm and wake up earlier before she does so you could start her daily routine for her. If she gets up, let her sleep for a few more minutes. Prepare breakfast for her and the kids, start the laundry, clean up a bit and water her mini garden. Giving her extra time to sleep will be very rewarding for her.

Have a family picnic

fun family picnic on mothers day

Sometimes, the simplest things are the best ones! Having a family picnic may not be the grandest celebration you can do on this day, but nothing beats a meaningful family activity. Let your kids help prepare food and pack up the picnic basket! Drive to a nearby park or go to her favourite spot. Don’t forget to enjoy and create new memories together!

Plan a movie night at home

simple movie night for the wife on mother's day

Put the kids early to bed and prepare a night of fun! You can watch an old movie from when the two of you were still dating or play video/board games that you both enjoyed when you were younger. This activity may seem like a “trip down to memory lane” kind of thing, but it’s always good to bring some fun memories back!

Daddies, we hope this guide will help you plan out this special day for the best mummies in the whole world! You can do one of these activities or do all of them! Remember, you can always make mummies feel special, not just on mother’s day, but every day!

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