Planning Deliveries =/= Birth Plan by Dr. Quek Swee Chong

Planning Deliveries == Birth Plan by Dr. Quek Swee Chong

Did you know? Forming a birth plan does not necessarily mean that you have your delivery plans covered! Dr. Quek mentions in this video that a birth plan is more like a wish list – wanting pain relief or not? The birth plan is for you to inform the doctors & staff about your desire. But it is still important to discuss these plans with your doctors to ensure your own safety and baby’s safety. Sit back and enjoy this clip as Dr. Quek explains the difference between a birth plan and planning your delivery with your doctor.

Dr Quek Swee Chong is a specialist in Obstetrics & Gynaecology at ASC Clinic for Women, Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore. He was formerly the Head of Pre-invasive Disease & Screening Unit, KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital. He serves on the board of the International Federation of Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology. His research work includes real-time detection of cervical cancer and precancer PAP smear screening, HPV testing, and was involved in the clinical trials for HPV vaccines for the prevention of cervical cancer.

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