Feeding & Nursing

Best breastfeeding, baby food, and nursing products in Singapore

Feeding and nursing your child is one of the most common challenges that every new mother faces. It is also one of the most crucial stages of your child’s life. You need to have the right feeding and nursing supplies prepared to keep your baby cozy and happy. Some tools that will come in handy are breast pumps, nursing covers, and nipple creams which you can find in our breastfeeding products section. You’ll also need baby bibs to keep your child clean while you focus on giving your baby a good latch. For times where formula-feeding is more apt, head over to our bottle-feeding products section for bottles, teats, and other bottle-feeding essentials. You might also want to invest in high-quality swaddles and high chairs. The key to making feeding smooth is to make both your child and yourself comfortable! Once your baby’s full, store the baby food in clean bottle warmers and sterilisers, before letting your child chew on a pacifier as you finally get your well-deserved rest.
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