With over 60 years track record in the market, TYT has committed to help families to stay healthy. Their special herbal formula has been passed from generation to generation and throughout those years, TYT has become one of the most trusted brands in Malaysia. You can find a wide range of products by TYT. Confinement herbal bath, oil, soup packs and even beverages are all available. All of them are safe, hygienic, and exclusively prepared for you. Pamper yourself and relax with the herbal products from TYT. Take a look at their collections below and be ready to feel the benefits!
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Taking a bath might be one of your favorite unwinding activities during the confinement period. To make it more delightful, you can add some herbal baths. Regarding this, TYT has come up with the finest herbal bath products. Take a look at TYT Confinement Herbal Bath (8 Sachets) 1 Week Usage, Halal Certified for Blood Circulation Expel Wind Original. This product helps strengthen your body after giving birth, get rid of bloating, improve blood circulation, and relax your muscles. It is suitable to use after 7 days of normal delivery to maximize the effect. However, if you had a Caesarian instead, you need to wait for 10 days. With specialized formula and selected premium herbs, expect a pleasant bathing session with TYT Confinement Herbal Bath. If you need an extra addition of herb, you can check out TYT Confinement Herbal Bath (8 Sachets) 1 Week Usage With Ginger, Halal Certified for Blood Circulation Expel Wind. With the addition of ginger, this product will give extra convenience for you. It helps relieve pain and swelling after giving birth, enhance blood circulation, and maintain your health in general. Definitely the answer for hygiene concerns during the confinement period. Besides the confinement herbal bath, TYT also provides medicated oil. Check out their TYT Herbal Medicated Oil 50ml, Massage Oil, Lemongrass Mosquito Repellent, Baby, Pregnant, Post Natal Wind, Rheumatism. Treat colds, post-natal wind, stomach ache, insect bites, and other symptoms with this specially formulated product. Give the best treatment for you and your baby!Are you still looking for more? Explore the other collection on Welovesupermom, a one-stop website to find TYT at the lowest prices online in Singapore!

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