Skip Hop

Shop better baby products with affordable prices from Skip Hop. Skip hop has committed to make the parenting journey as fun as possible. With a core philosophy of “Must-Haves Made Better,” Skip Hop re-thinks, re-energizes and re-engineers essential products – everything from diaper bags to strollers to bath toys – to give parents, babies and toddlers smart design and true functionality. Products that provide multitasking, grow-with-baby design, and make parenting become easier is what makes Skip Hop special and different from other brands. Check out the page below to discover all Skip Hop’s superb products.
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Must-Haves Made Better. As Skip Hop’s philosophy is, they always come up with innovative kids toys that will give a bunch of benefits not only for the baby, but the parents as well. Skip Hop’s toys will help parents to have more peace-in-mind as they know their baby gets engaged with safe toys from a trusted brand. Therefore, they are allowed to do something else like working or preparing the family dinner. Check out the Skip Hop Baby Bandana Buddies - Soft Toy With Rattle & Teether, the toy will keep their hand on the toys for hours to explore patterns, textures and sounds. Ideal for fun at home or on-the go, this cute companion rattles, crinkles and has a soft bandana teether for multi-sensory play. Skip Hop E&M Roll Around Rattle will engage babies in developmental play. The flexible body has easy-to-grasp openings that help little hands build dexterity. The rattle encourages rolling, shaking and tossing, while teethers and beads offer more to touch and explore. Those two products are perfect for a baby who is currently teething, the toys will help them to reduce discomfort in their gum. DIscover more Skip Hop products by visiting Welovesupermom, a place where you can find Skip Hop at the best prices!

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