
Never miss a moment of your little ones with Kodak Smart Home. Kodak is a brand that you definitely can trust. For over a century, Kodak has become an expert to capture every memory and important life events. From the moment your baby is born, Kodak is ready to provide you with its excellent quality products not only to capture the moment, but as well as protect your children. Thousands of members of Kodak’s innovation team are parents, too! They know well what you really need, and what your baby deserves. Therefore, Kodak proudly presents the Kodak Cherish Baby range that is built with the newest technology and parents in mind. Have a more joyful parenting journey with Kodak! Here on our website, a wide range of baby monitor items from Kodak are curated and listed for you to choose from. Have a look and find the perfect fit for you.
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Cherish every moment with your little one with the KODAK Cherish Baby series from KODAK Smart Home. Smart products to simplify your life as a parent are ready. Now you can stay connected with your baby, no matter where you are. With a KODAK baby camera, you can cherish all the beautiful moments of your baby's development from wherever you are. Get these award-winning baby monitors loved by parents today. KODAK CHERISH C125 Smart Video Baby Camera, Hi-res Add-on Baby Camera with Remote Pan/Tilt/Zoom, Mobile App, 2-Way Audio will make you have portable peace of mind. With cloud storage features, the monitor allows you to save and rewatch your little one’s cute moments and development for years to come, with the highest-quality picture. The infrared night vision also allows you to monitor your baby during their peaceful sleep in a HD video. Quiet lullabies and white noise available from the monitor will also help your baby to fall asleep faster. You can also titl, zoom, and pan the camera silently to take a closer look without waking up the baby. If you’re looking for a more affordable monitor, take a look at the KODAK CHERISH C120 Smart Baby Camera, the C120 series is almost identical to the C125 series. The C120 only has one feature missing if it’s compared to C125, which is the camera movement. Choose which one will work the best for you. Other types of baby monitors from KODAK are available on Welovesupermom! Visit the website now to see all the collections and get the lowest prices for kodak online in Singapore.

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