
Driven by the joyful moments of childhood, Joie always cares about what parents and children need. This award-winning brand has been captivating the hearts of many because of their high quality products. They’re fully committed to provide products with the highest standard of safety and design. Moreover, with a wide range of products and their versatility, Joie always wants to reflect the specific wish of parents. You don’t have to doubt because all of their products are backed with comprehensive research and have undergone rigorous testing. Take a look at their collections below and prove Joie’s quality by yourself.
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Joie, just like its name, always wants to bring joy for every family through the products they manufacture. We’ve curated their best selling items special for you. Be ready because they’re all guaranteed to make your days more joyful! Make mealtime more enjoyable with Joie Mimzy Snacker High Chair! Coming in adorable yet neat design, this high chair will surely attract your attention. This high chair is fully adjustable so your little one will feel more comfortable during mealtime. In addition, its one-hand fold feature makes it easier for you to fold, stand, and store in a flash. No more fuss! Looking for something practical for travelling with your little one? Let them sit comfortably during the trip with Joie Spin 360 Car Seat (0-18 kg). The deluxe cushioning will let them feel at ease even when the road is bumpy. Very flexible like no other, this high chair has a unique feature that allows it to spin 360 degrees. With only one hand turn activator, it’ll all set according to your preference! It’s suitable for your newborn until they weigh up to 18 kilograms. Do you need a stroller to accommodate your twins when you go out together? Joie has it ready for you! Check out the Joie Evalite Duo Stroller + Rain Cover. This tandem stroller is designed to carry both of your loved ones with less fuss. The compact design allows you to carry it anywhere easily. Practical, safe, and lightweight, you can definitely count on this stroller to help you! That’s it, dear lovely parents. Would you like to experience the quality of Joie's products personally? Discover more on Welovesupermom today to find the lowest prices for Joie online available around e-commerces in Singapore. Hurry up! Don’t miss the amazing offers.

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