
Recommended by dermatologists and loved by all skin types, Cetaphil is here to protect your baby’s delicate skin. Cetaphil got all skin types covered, from normal to sensitive skin. Cetaphil is very popular due to its gentle-ingredients skin care products. Their product will give the perfect amount of protection for your loved one’s skin. With Cetaphil products on your hand, it’s time to say goodbye to skin dryness! The lotion and cream will help the skin stay hydrated all day long. The body wash & shampoo will help cleansing the skin without drying it. It also has special products that will help your baby fight eczema. What are you waiting for? Get Cetaphil products delivered on your doorstep now!
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Cetaphil, The #1 dermatologist recommended brand in the United States is coming for you and your baby! Famous with its safe and gentle ingredients, Cetaphil will give your baby’s delicate skin a perfect protection. Cetaphil Baby Wash and Shampoo / Ultra Moisturizing Bath And Wash / Lotion / 230ml 400ml / shower are available to keep your baby's skin moisturized 24/7. Its tear-free and soap-free formula will gently clean your baby’s body and hair without drying it. The products come with a soft, fresh fragrance that both parents and baby will definitely love. [Bundle of 2] Cetaphil Baby Daily Lotion With Shea Butter 400ml Contains glycerin and shea butter that will hydrate and nourish your baby’s soft skin. The product is formulated to be super gentle so that it can be used for newborn babies as well on a daily basis. One product recommendation for parents, the iconic Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser - 3X1000ml is also on deck! The gentle skin cleanser is a perfect product for all skin types and ideal for body and face. The Soap-free and pH balanced formula won’t ever irritate your skin even when you’re using it without rinsing. Would you like to be the next to experience the quality of Cetaphil products personally? Discover more on Welovesupermom today and open our price comparison website to find the lowest prices for Cetaphil online in Singapore. Hurry up! The greatest deal is coming!

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