8 Ways to Ease Labour Pain by Prof Tan Thiam Chye

8 Ways to Ease Labour Pain by Prof Tan Thiam Chye

If you ask a mother-to-be, what’s her biggest fear? 8/10 will say it’s the fear of labour pain! In this clip, Prof Tan lists 8 different ways that can help mothers-to-be learn how to reduce labour pain. The pain threshold of each mother are different, and here are some ways that you can ease this pain. Sit back, and find out more from Professor Tan.

Prof. Tan Thiam Chye joined O&G The Women’s Medical Specialist as Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. Previously, he held the position of a Senior Consultant in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Urgent O&G Centre, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Prof. Tan holds Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships and he had won numerous awards as outstanding clinician and educator. He recently won the SingHealth Excellence Awards 2018 for Distinguished Educator.

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